Mobile World Congress Barcelona

From Feb 28th to march 3rd we will be present at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona. A global event on mobile connectivity of utmost importance for the industry, not only because it is showing us what is coming in terms of technology, but also because it is where future business and markets to be planned.


MWC Barcelona brings together more than 1500 exhibitors from around the world who are in the connectivity industry. We will meet global mobile operators, device manufacturers, technology providers, vendors and content owners, among others.


At T-MOB we know that innovation is a the base pilar for business growth and we also know that taking risk on new markets is something we must pursue in order to move forward as a company. Today we have a very solid A2P (sms) business, which this year alone is projected to grow by 40%, and, on the other hand, we have a new business unit, sim cards, which is becoming increasingly strong in a market where we compete with huge players, projecting a 2022 of amazing incomes.


We are very pleased to participate in an event of this magnitude where the top leaders of the industry meet to focus and aim to continue to innovate and provide more and better services. As they say at the event: “It’s time to reconnect, reinvent and reimagine”.


Would you like to coordinate a meeting with us? Contact us!